Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cara Membuat dan Memasang Facebook Like Box di blog/website

Cara Membuat Facebook Page dan Like Box di Blog/Website

Facebook Page/Fan Page - Like Box semakin lazim digunakan di blog/website mengingat besarnya manfaat untuk perkembangan blog/website maupun product yang ditawarkan. Jaringan sosial beserta pluginnya, khususnya Facebook, terbukti telah memperluas dan meningkatkan popularitas, daya jangkau, traffic, serta penjualan produk jenis apapun. Oleh karena itu, membuat Facebook Fan Page dan memasang Like Box di blog/website merupakan hal yang sangat dianjurkan untuk blog/website anda.
1. Ada beberapa langkah berbeda untuk membuat Facebook Page. Untuk langkah yang lebih mudah, sebaiknya anda telah login terlebih dahulu di account Facebook anda.
2. Kemudian buka halaman ini:
3. Pilih/klik opsi Brand or Product.
 4. Pilih opsi "website" dan isikan nama Page sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. centang "agreement" dan klik "Get Started", seperti contoh gambar berikut:
5. Selanjutnya anda akan masuk ke halaman Facebook Page yang telah dibuat. Lakukan kostumisasi terlebih dahulu sesuai petunjuk, misalnya mengupload foto/gambar untuk Facebook Page, mengedit informasi, dan lain sebagainya, atau langsung membuat Facebook Like Box yang nantinya dapat dipasang di blog/website.

Cara Membuat dan Memasang Facebook Like Box di blog/website

1. Jika anda masih berada di halaman Fcebook Fan Page tadi, pilih menu nomer 5, klik "add like box":
Atau bisa juga buka halaman berikut:
Penting: Sebelumnya copy terlebih dahulu url Facebook Fan Page yang telah dibuat. Fungsinya sebagai spesifikasi url untuk like box yang nantinya hendak dibuat.
Contoh url-nya:
2. Selanjutnya, isikan spesifikasi seperti gambar berikut:

Setting Facebook Like Box:
- Facebook Page url: url Facebook Page anda
- Width: lebar tampilan facebook like, sesuaikan dengan lebar sidebar widget.
- Color scheme: pilih light jika ingin tampilan terang, dan dark untuk tampilan gelap.
- Show Faces: Centang untuk menampilkan foto profil likers.
- Border color: Isikan dengan kode warna jika ingin memberi border atau kosongkan agar transparan.
- Show stream: Centang jika ingin menampilkan informasi/posting terakhir di like box.
- Show header: Centang jika ingin menampilkan tulisan header "Find Us on Facebook".
Lihat preview tampilan di sebelah kanan form tersebut.

5. Jika settingan yang dibuat sudah beres, klik get code. Kemudian akan muncul pop-up window yang menampilkan 3 jenis kode, HTML5, iFrame dan XFBML, pilih salah satu dan copy kodenya.

6. Buka Dashboard > Design/Rancangan > Klik add a gadget/tambah gadget.
7. Pilih opsi HTML/Javascript.
8. Masukkan kode XFBML yang telah dicopy ke dalam kotak kode.
9. Save.
10. Like box telah siap digunakan, dan setiap pengunjung blog/website yang menyukai blog/website anda dapat dengan mudah meng-klik like pada like box yag telah disediakan.



Kunjungan: 309


Propinsi:   Jawa Barat
Wilayah:   Depok
Kota:   Depok
Alamat:   perumahan pesona laguna blok D5 No. 6 Rt.004 Rw.20 cilangkap tapos kota Depok
Tipe Property:   Rumah
Lantai / Tingkat:   1
Kamar Tidur:   3
Kamar Mandi:   2
Luas:   102 m2

Rumah tipe 27/60 dengan tanah lebih 42 M2, ada carport dengan canopy, listrik 1300 watt, sumber air pompa listrik, 1 line telpon.
  Kamar makan   Parkir
Fasilitas Sekitar
  Dekat Sekolah   Dekat Pertokoan   Dekat Pasar
  Lokasi Aman Banjir

Info Kontak Pemasang
Nama Kontak: dian
Alamat: depok
Phone: 085695695984

Rumah Dijual - 35 juta - Bekasi

Pasang : 16 Januari 2012
Nama Perumahan : Vila Gading Harapan
Alamat / Jalan : vila gading harapan blok AH4 No.65
Kota : Bekasi
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Lebar / Panjang (m) : 21
Luas Tanah / Luas Bangunan (m2) : 84 / 0
Jumlah Lantai : 1
Kamar Tidur Utama : 1
Kamar Mandi Utama : 0
Listrik : 900
Sumber Air : Tidak Ada
Menghadap : Utara
Sertifikat : SHM
Garasi Mobil : 0
Carport : 0
Keterangan Lain : Over kredit rumah daerah BEKASI. Kondisi Rumah masih standart beli baru belum pernah ditempati di Villa Gading Harapan Blok AH4 No.65 Babelan Bekasi. Lokasi ini pas banget buat yang mau usaha.

Luas Tanah : 60 +24 m3 (HUK)
Luas Bangunan : 21 m3
K.Tidur : 1
Ruang Tamu
Kamar Mandi
Posisi Bangunan : Pinggir

Harga : Rp 35.000.000 (Nego)

Minat serius silahkan Hubungi : 021-83926848/08567696146
HUBUNGI PEMASANG : ........ ( Sebutkan ID Listing : BR390 , Saya Lihat Di BROKERRUMAH.COM )
Nama : mei rani
Phone : 02183926848
Handphone : 08567696146
Kirim Pesan : Hubungi mei rani Melalui Email

RUMAH DIJUAL: Di Jual / Over Kredit Rumah di Grand Residence Pondok Cabe

Jl. Kemiri Blok A3. No.15 Grand Residence Pondok Cabe Tangerang Selatan
Jakarta Selatan

Rp. 475.000.000

Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan

Kamar tidur: 2
Kamar mandi: 1
Kamar pembantu: -
Garasi: 1
Luas tanah: 112.5
Luas bangunan: 52
Berapa lantai? 1
Bangunan menghadap: Barat laut


1) Rumah baru siap huni dan sudah direnovasi tipe 52/112.5, listrik 1300 watt, jetpump (airnya bersih), toren air, carport, struktur atap baja ringan, bata merah, keramik 60cm x 60cm, closet duduk, teralis, canopy.

2) Full furnished (1 set meja tamu, 1 set meja makan, 2 tempat tidur, 1 rak buku, 2 lemari pakaian, 1 unit AC 1/2pk, 1 unit kulkas, 1 unit tv 14", 2 set buffet tv, 1 set meja komputer, 1 buah kipas angin, 1 set tenda payung)

3) Dekat dgan gerbang utama, playground, swimmingpool, joging track, one gate system, keamanan 24jam, jalan beton cor, lebar jalan utama 14m, lebar jalan lingkungan 8m, lingkungan nyaman, dekat universitas terbuka, sekolah internasional kharisma bangsa, playgroup, masjid, mushola, rumah sakit, bank, pasar modern, McDonald, KFC, Pizza Hut, Pengurus RT/RW sudah terbentuk, jarak ke terminal lebak bulus hanya 8 km.

Harga Nego!!

Silahkan ajukan penawaran

Maaf Tanpa Perantara.
Berapa line telepon? 1
Listrik: 1300 watt
Genset: -
Sumber air: Jetpum
AC: 1
Pemanas air: -
Kolam renang: Ya
Sambungan Internet: Ya
Apakah mobil masuk? Ya
Bebas banjir? Ya
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi:
Gambar: Di Jual / Over Kredit Rumah di Grand Residence Pondok Cabe
Rumah dijual jakarta-selatan: Di Jual / Over Kredit Rumah di Grand Residence Pondok Cabe (gerbang.jpg)   Rumah dijual jakarta-selatan: Di Jual / Over Kredit Rumah di Grand Residence Pondok Cabe (p1010322.jpg)   Rumah dijual jakarta-selatan: Di Jual / Over Kredit Rumah di Grand Residence Pondok Cabe (p1010320.jpg)   Rumah dijual jakarta-selatan: Di Jual / Over Kredit Rumah di Grand Residence Pondok Cabe (p1010328.jpg)

Rumah dijual jakarta-selatan: Di Jual / Over Kredit Rumah di Grand Residence Pondok Cabe (p1010325.jpg)  
over kredit rumah pondok cabe, rumah di jual over kredit, perumahan grand residence pondok cabe

over Kredit Rumah di Kawasan Paling Berkembang Di Kota Bekasi

Diover Kredit Rumah di Kawasan Paling Berkembang Di
Kota Bekasi, tepatnya di Kota JABABEKA, Cikarang..
Rumah Cluster dengan gaya arsitektur Minimalis,
Strategis, Ekslusive dan siap huni
Alamat Properti
Perumahan Gardenville
Jl Cisanggiri Timur Blok H1/21
Jababeka, Cikarang
Detail Properti
Luas Tanah : 75 M2
Luas Bangunan : 42 M2
• 2 Kamar Tidur
• 1 Kamar Mandi
• 1300 Watt
• Siap Huni
Rumah Aman,Tenang,Nyaman dan siap huni
Akses Jalan / Lokasi :
- Stasiun Lemah abang (cikarang) 5 menit
- Tol cikarang barat 10 menit
- Jln Pantura 5 Menit
- ke karawang 15 menit
- Mall lippo 20 menit
- Sekolah SD, SMP AL-Azhar 5 Menit
- Dekat President Univ, ATMI
- Dekat Kawasan Industri Jababeka II dan III
- Dekat Kawasan Cikarang Dry Port
- Pasar Lemahabang 5 menit
Diover Rp 45 jt saja..
Cicilan Rp 1,9 jtan / Bln

Tips dan Trik Over Kredit Rumah

Over kredit rumah? Kenapa tidak..?! Over kredit adalah salah satu teknik memiliki rumah dengan harga murah. Kenapa bisa murah? Karena umumnya pihak yang ingin meng-overkredit-kan rumahnya sedang terdesak biaya, atau mungkin tidak bisa lagi meneruskan angsuran kreditnya. Kehadiran anda sangat membantu bagi mereka. Disinilah anda bisa menawar harga rumah yang di-overkredit-kan lebih rendah dari harga pasaran. But, untuk mendapat harga perolehan lebih rendah, ada tips dan trik yang harus anda lakukan dalam over kredit rumah.
Sebelumnya, perlu anda tahu (bukan tempe ;-)) dalam proses over kredit rumah biasanya ada tiga pihak yang terlibat. Pihak pertama adalah penjual atau debitur awal, pihak kedua adalah anda sebagai calon debitur pengganti (penerus) kredit rumah dan pihak ketiga pemberi kredit yaitu bank. 
Nah, bagaimana caranya agar dalam over kredit rumah anda bisa mendapatkan harga jauh lebih murah dari harga pasaran? Simak sampai tuntas artikel ini.

Tips Sebelum Over Kredit
Sebelum anda memutuskan untuk meneruskan kredit atau menggantikan posisi debitur (over kredit) dari sebuah rumah KPR ada beberapa hal yang harus anda perhatikan :
1. Periksa dengan seksama kondisi rumah, jangan mudah tergiur dengan harga murah.
2. Cek lokasi dan posisi rumah. Karena mungkin saja pihak pertama berniat meng-overkredit-kan rumahnya karena lokasinya yang tidak menguntungkan.
3. Cari informasi terkait kondisi lingkungan rumah, baik masalah keamanan maupun masalah lainnya, seperti apakah rawan banjir atau tidak.
4. Teliti keabsahan kepemilikan rumah. Kalau ternyata ada masalah (misal sengketa) lebih baik tinggalkan saja.
5. Hitung dengan seksama berapa sebenarnya nilai transaksi dan nilai jual rumah tersebut, apakah lebih murah atau lebih mahal dari harga yang seharusnya. Sebelumnya anda bisa melakukan pengecekan harga pasaran rumah/tanah disekitar lokasi, juga dengan memeriksa Nilai Jual Obyek Pajak dalam struk tagihan PBB.
5. Cek total angsuran KPR yang telah dibayar debitur dan berapa sisa kewajibannya. Apakah selama ini pihak pertama selalu disiplin mengangsur ataukah ada denda akibat keterlambatan.

Trik Mendapat Harga Murah Dalam Over Kredit
Nah, ini adalah bagian yang terpenting dari artikel ini, yaitu tentang bagaimana triknya agar harga perolehan anda atas rumah lebih murah dari yang seharusnya.
Ketika anda mendapat informasi, baik langsung maupun dari media (koran atau internet) tentang rumah yang mau di-overkredit-kan lakukan dulu langkah-langkah yang saya rekomendasikan diatas. Kemudian sepakati berapa harga yang harus anda bayarkan kepada pihak pertama sebagai pengganti biaya angsuran dan dp yang telah dia keluarkan selama ini. Usahakan agar biaya yang anda bayarkan lebih rendah dari biaya yang dia keluarkan.
Selanjutnya anda jangan menghubungi pihak pemberi KPR (Bank) namun cukup mendatangi notaris bersama dengan pihak kedua selaku debitur awal (penjual). Sampaikan maksud kedatangan anda, yaitu ingin melakukan over KPR rumah pihak pertama.
Oh ya, jangan lupa untuk menyertakan :
1. Copy Sertifikat (yang ada stempel bank pemberi KPR).
2. Copy IMB.
3. Copy PBB (lunas).
4. Copy Bukti Pembayaran Angsuran.
5.Buku Tabungan asli di bank pemberi KPR atas nama pihak pertama.
6. Data pihak pertama dan pihak kedua (anda), meliputi KTP, Kartu Keluarga, Slip Gaji dll.
Selanjutnya pihak notaris akan membuatkan akta jual beli atas pengalihan hak atas tanah dan bangunan berikut surat kuasa untuk melunasi sisa angsuran dan kuasa mengambil sertifikat. Pihak penjual mesti membuat surat pernyataan bahwa telah terjadi alih kewajiban dan hak atas kredit dan agunan dimaksud (rumah).
Setelah urusan dihadapan notaris selesai, anda tinggal membawa/menunjukkan surat pernyataan tersebut kepada pihak pemberi KPR (bank). Sehingga, walaupun angsuran dan sertifikat masih atas nama pihak pertama (penjual) tapi haknya dan kewajibannya sudah beralih kepada anda. Anda berkewajiban melunasi sisa angsuran dan berhak untuk mengambil sertifikat bila sudah lunas. Dengan demikian, keterlibatan pihak ketiga (bank) adalah keterlibatan pasif, yaitu sebatas mengetahui bahwa telah terjadi transaksi antara anda dengan pihak pertama yang sah dihadapan notaris. Hal ini lebih murah dibanding anda over kredit dengan melibatkan pihak bank. Karena pihak bank selaku pemberi KPR tidak perlu membuat perhitungan baru untuk kredit anda.

Oke, sekarang tinggal berburu rumah yang ingin di-overkredit-kan. Tips dan trik diatas akan membantu anda mendapatkan rumah dengan harga dan biaya lebih rendah.
BTW, ada baiknya jika anda melengkapi informasi dengan membaca artikel berikut :

Jual Murah OVER KREDIT diperumahan mewah di cibubur cicilan hanya 290ribu/bulan

perumahan HARVEST CITY CIBUBUR Cluster Bromelia BXVII / 9-10 cileungsi bogor
-- Cibubur

dijual over kredit di Perumahan Mewah Harvest city Cibubur


Cluster Bromelia BXVII / 9-10 cileungsi bogor

lokasi pojok HUK +44 meter Rp.500rb/meter
(belum dibayar / jika mau ,tergantung pembeli rumah)

type 22/60

biaya hanya 290 ribu/ bulan sudah berjalan +- 1,5tahun

cicilan selama 12 tahun

  • Pasangan batu kali
  • Sloof, kolom, ringbalk struktur beton bertulang praktis, dak beton
  • Batako diplester diaci (Mortar Utama), dicat
  • Dinding KM diplester dan diaci finishing
  • Rumah dan teras keramik 30x30cm
  • KM keramik 20x20cm
  • Rangka kayu dan diresidu
  • Genteng beton
  • GRC dicat
Pintu & Jendela
  • Kusen kayu
  • Pintu double triplek
  • PVC (KM/WC)
  • Jendela rangka kayu + kaca
  • Kloset jongkok
  • Bak air fiber/Shower
  • Instalasi pipa air PVC
  • 1300 W
Air Bersih
  • Sumur pantek
  • Pompa listrik

.............buruan deh keburu laku..............

masalah harga bisa tawar2an sama saya.... cingcay dehhh

yoga 0812.9965824 / 0251.9108310
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi:
Gambar: Jual Murah OVER KREDIT perumahan mewah di cibubur
Rumah dijual cibubur: Jual Murah OVER KREDIT perumahan mewah di cibubur (img00330.jpg)   Rumah dijual cibubur: Jual Murah OVER KREDIT perumahan mewah di cibubur (img00329.jpg)   Rumah dijual cibubur: Jual Murah OVER KREDIT perumahan mewah di cibubur (siteplan-bromelia.jpg)   Rumah dijual cibubur: Jual Murah OVER KREDIT perumahan mewah di cibubur (bromelia-suasana-harvest-city.jpg)

perumahan mewah, perumahan harvest city, rumah over kredit cibubur, cari rumah murah di cibubur, perumahan murah cileungsi, over kredit rumah cibubur, perumahan murah di cilengsi, perumahan murah di cileungsi 2011, over kredit rumah harvest city, kredit perumahan murah di yogyakarta, perumahan murah cibubur, over kredit rumah di cibubur, over kredit rumah di cileungsi, over kredit harvest city, cari perumahan murah, perumahan murah di cimanggis, harvest city over kredit, over kredit perumahan murah, perumahan murah di cibubur

Over Kredit...Butuh Uang...!!!

Rp. 60.000.000,00,-

Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Dijual
Alamat : Griya Madya Sawangan
Kota : Kota Depok
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 72 M2 / 51 M2
Harga : Rp. 60.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : Over kerdit rumah di Griya Madya Sawangan. Lb/Lt : 51/72, Listrik 900W, air pompa, 1 kamar tidur, 1 ruang tamu, 1 ruang keluarga, 1 gudang, kamar mandi dan dapur (dinding sudah keramik), pagar. Baru ditempati 2 tahun, cicilan hanya Rp737.000,-. Harga over : Rp 60.000.000,- (NEGO) Hubungi pemilik langsung : Zainal (021-33321644 / 082113490012) email :
Nama : Zainal
Email :
Phone : 082113490012

over kredit rumah full renovasi - Bekasi

Rp. 68.000.000,00,-

Pasang : 17 Agustus 2011
Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Dijual
Alamat : perum Bekasi Timur Regency Blok V3 No.12 Desa Rt.05/Rw011Burangkeng Kecamatan Setu
Kota : Bekasi
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 60 M2 / 29 M2
Harga : Rp. 68.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : over kredit rumah dikawasan bekasi timur siap huni. Perum Bekasi Timur Regency Blok V3 No.12 Rt05/Rw011 Desa Burangkeng Kecamatan Setu. Belakang sudah di tutup dan dibangun (gudang, tempat menjemur, ruangankosong). Pompa air dan toren air sudah terpasang. Tembok full cat baru. Depan rumah sudah dipagar dan dipasang canopi. Ada garasi bersebelahan dg kolam ikan dan taman kecil di teras depan. Nuansa rumah sejuk, asri dan jalan buntu. kawasan semi cluster, pintu msuk hanya 1 dan dijaga setiap malam. Cicilan /bulan hanya 650.000 sudah berjalan 5thn, sisa tinggal 7thn lagi.
Nama : warsa
Email :
Phone : 081383317005

Dijual / Over kredit (TP) Rumah Minimalis tipe 45 sudah renovasi - Depok

Rp. 100.000.000,00,-

Pasang : 30 Oktober 2011
Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Dijual
Alamat : Jl. M. Ali 2 Blok Mahkota Dewa, Tanah Baru Depok
Kota : Kota Depok
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 108 M2 / 45 M2
Harga : Rp. 100.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : - Rumah minimalis, sudah renovasi - 2 KT - Closet Jongkok - Wastafel - Meja dapur dengan kitchen sink - Lantai keramik 40x40 - Carport keramik - Full batu alam - Pagar keliling dengan pintu pagar minimalis Dijual TP Rp 300 jt (Nett) atau over kredit Rp 110jt (nego) dengan sisa angsuran <14thn, per bln Rp 2,2jt Bank DKI Syariah. Peminat serius hub 0812 82147800 (no sms)
Nama : Wimbo
Email :
Phone : 081282147800

Over Kredit Rumah RSS - Bekasi

Rp. 17.000.000,00,-

Pasang : 30 Januari 2012
Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Dijual
Alamat : Vila Gading Harapan Blok BD14 No.1
Kota : Kota Bekasi
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 60 M2 / 22 M2
Harga : Rp. 17.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : Over Kredit Rumah di Perumahan Vila Gading Harapan. sudah dicicil selama 25 bln. Harga over Rp 17.000.000 (nego) Info selengkapnya hubungi Ade : 085695800676
Nama : ade hermawan
Email :
Phone : 085695800676

Over Kredit rumah murah - Depok

Rp. 85.000.000,00,-
Pasang : 04 Februari 2012
Informasi Umum
Tipe Properti : Rumah Oper Kontrak
Alamat : Perum Inti Plus
Kota : Kota Depok
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Keterangan Lengkap
LT / LB : 60 M2 / 60 M2
Harga : Rp. 85.000.000,00,-
Keterangan : SEGERA OVER KREDIT 85 JUTA (NEGO) TDK AFGAN segera Over kredit rumah siap huni ------- nego gan ANGSURAN MASIH +- 12 TAHUN CICILAN Rp. 572.500 RUMAH TYPE 21 /60 FULL RENOVASI PONDOK RAJEG (+- 1 Km DARI gRAND DEPOK CITY): * 2 KT, 1 KM FULL KERAMIK * 1 RUANG MAKAN + DAPUR * RUANG TAMU * SUDAH ADA TORN AIR + Jet Pump * Jendela sudah pakai teralis * LENGKAP DG PAGAR * LISTRIK 900 * Angkot D10 dari terminal depok * Masuk mobil * stasiun depok lama +- 3 km * stasiun citayam +- 1 km ATAU DIKONTRAKKAN 750 RIBU/BULAN ATAU 15 JUTA/2 TAHUN 021-37507761
Nama : adhis
Email :
Phone : 021-37507761

Apakah pengertian Over Kredit itu?

Over kredit rumah adalah proses pengalihan kredit rumah dari pihak debitur lama ke pihak debitur baru.

Sebagai contoh : Misalkan Bayu telah membeli rumah dengan KPR berjangka waktu 15 tahun. Kemudian pada tahun ke-10 Bayu ingin menjual rumahnya kepada Diana. Diana dapat membeli rumah itu sesuai harga yang diminta Bayu ditambah sisa pokok kredit yang masih ada dan kemudian Bayu melunasi kredit rumah itu ke bank. Atau langkah kedua, Diana membayar harga yang diinginkan Bayu dan meneruskan kredit Bayu sampai lunas setelah jangka waktu 15 tahun itu.

Proses kedua ini yang dimaksud dengan proses over kredit kpr. Jadi kita menggantikan pembayaran angsuran kredit orang lain yang rumahnya kita beli.

Dalam proses over kredit rumah ini terdapat beberapa cara dimana masing-masing cara sangat berpengaruh terhadap legalitas dokumen hukumnya. Anda perlu memilih benar cara mana yang paling aman bagi Anda agar pada saatnya apabila over kredit kpr itu lunas Anda bisa mengambil Sertifikat Rumah di bank dengan mudah dan tanpa kendala.

Proses Melalui Notaris

Pada proses ini, Anda dan penjual menghubungi notaris dan menyampaikan maksud Anda untuk melakukan over kredit atas rumah penjual.

Anda dan penjual diwajibkan menyertakan dokumen pendukung antara lain :

  1. Fotokopi Perjanjian Kredit
  2. Fotokopi Sertifikat yang ada stempel bank-nya
  3. Fotokopi IMB
  4. Fotokopi PBB yang sudah dibayar
  5. Fotokopi bukti pembayaran angsuran
  6. Asli buku tabungan bernomor rekening untuk pembayaran angsuran
  7. Data penjual dan pembeli, misalnya KTP, Kartu Keluarga, Buku nikah dan sebagianya.

Notaris kemudian membuat Akta Pengikatan Jual beli atas pengalihan hak atas tanah dan  bangunan yang dimaksud berikut Surat Kuasa untuk melunasi sisa angsuran dan kuasa untuk mengambil sertifikat. Kemudian Penjual membuat Surat Pernyatan/Pemberitahuan bahwa telah terjadi alih kewajiban dan hak atas kredit dan agunan dimaksud.

Surat pernyataan ini ditujukan kepada bank. Jadi sejak pengalihan ini, walaupun angsuran dan sertifikat masih atas nama penjual, tapi karena haknya sudah beralih maka penjual tidak berhak lagi untuk melunasi sendiri dan mengambil asli sertifikat yang berkenaan pada BTN.

Kemudian dilakukan pembuatan Pengikatan Perjanjian Jual Beli oleh Notaris dan selanjutnya Anda dan penjual mendatangi Bank pemberi KPR dan menyerahkan dokumen yang diperoleh dari Notaris.

Pada proses ini transaksi yang terjadi cenderung aman secara hukum karena dilaksanakan di depan pejabat Negara yang berwenang yaitu notaris. Rumah dimaksud dapat diperjualbelikan kembali dengan membuat surat kuasa jual sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.

Proses ini juga relative murah dibandingkan dengan proses over kredit di bank.

Joseph P. Kennedy II

Joseph P. Kennedy II

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Joseph Patrick Kennedy II
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Massachusetts's 8th district
In office
January 3, 1987 — January 3, 1999
Preceded by Tip O'Neill
Succeeded by Mike Capuano
Personal details
Born Joseph Patrick Kennedy II
September 24, 1952 (1952-09-24) (age 59)
Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Political party Democratic
Spouse(s) Sheila Brewster Rauch (1979–1991, divorced)
Anne Elizabeth "Beth" Kelly (since 1993)
Relations Parents
Robert Francis Kennedy, Sr. and Ethel (née Skakel) Kennedy

see also Kennedy family
Children Matthew Rauch Kennedy and Joseph Kennedy III (twins, born 1980)
Alma mater University of Massachusetts Boston (Bachelor of Arts)
Religion Roman Catholic
Joseph Patrick Kennedy II (born September 24, 1952) is an American businessman and Democratic politician.
He served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the 8th congressional district of Massachusetts from 1987 to 1999. In 1979 he founded and led, until election to the U.S. House Citizens Energy Corporation, a non-profit energy company; since 1999 he has continued to lead Citizens Energy.
He was named after his uncle Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., who was a bomber pilot in World War II. He is the eldest son of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Skakel Kennedy and a member of the Kennedy family.



[edit] Early life, education, and early business career

Kennedy was born in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, to Robert Francis Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy, the second of their eleven children. He had a troubled youth, and was expelled from several private schools as a result of his quick temper. He regularly got into fights with his younger brothers and male cousins.[1] A restless, impulsive teenager, he left the Milton Academy, a private, college preparatory school, in Milton, Massachusetts, before graduating from the Manter Hall School — also a private, college-preparatory school — in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1971.[2][3]
Kennedy attended the University of California, Berkeley in Berkeley, California, during 1972, but dropped out.[4] After this he worked for several months as part of a federally funded program to combat and treat tuberculosis in the African American community in San Francisco, California.[4] San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto personally praised Kennedy's work in the community.[4] Kennedy resigned from his position in the program, and returned to Massachusetts in the summer of 1973.[4]
On February 23, 1972, Joseph Kennedy was on Lufthansa Flight 649 when it was hijacked. Shortly after the inflight movie began during the 747's flight from New Delhi to Athens, five gunmen had seized the jet and forced it to land in Yemen, where they freed the 172 passengers, including Kennedy.[5]
In August 1973, a Jeep he was driving overturned, fracturing one of his brother David Kennedy's vertebrae, and permanently paralyzing David's girlfriend, Pam Kelley.[6] The police cited Kennedy with reckless driving and the judge temporarily suspended his driver's license.[1][6] The Kennedy family paid for Kelley’s initial medical treatment and her continued care during the years following the accident.[7]
Kennedy returned to school after the accident, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts Boston in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1976.[8]
In 1979, Kennedy founded Citizens Energy, a non-profit organization, to provide discounted heating oil to low-income families. (See Citizens Energy (since 1979) section below.)

[edit] U.S. House of Representatives (1986-1999)

[edit] Elections

In 1986, incumbent Democrat and Speaker of the House Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, who had held 8th Congressional district seat since 1953, announced his retirement. Joe Kennedy Jr. decided to run for the seat his uncle and former President John F. Kennedy had held from 1947 to 1953. The Democratic nomination was contested by a number of well-known Democrats with long records of public service: State Senator George Bachrach and State Representative Mel King. However, Kennedy garnered endorsements from The Boston Globe and the retiring Tip O'Neill. Kennedy won the primary with 53%.[9] He won the general election with 72% of the vote.[10] He won re-election in 1988 (80%), 1990 (72%), 1992 (83%), 1994 (99%), and 1996 (84%).[11]

[edit] Tenure

Kennedy's legislative efforts in U.S. House of Representatives included:[12]
  • Expanding the availability of credit to working Americans to buy homes and to open businesses.[13]
  • Requiring public disclosure of bank-lending practices in poorer neighborhoods and disclosure of bank home-mortgage approvals and refusals by race, sex, and income.[14] Subsequent Federal Reserve Board studies based on these newly required disclosures found widespread evidence of discriminatory-loan practices. One study found that white borrowers in the lowest-income category were approved for mortgages more than African American borrowers in the highest-income category. Data from Boston; Chicago, Illinois; and Minneapolis, Minnesota, found that African Americans were turned down at three times the rate of whites.[15]
  • Helping create hundreds of thousands of new affordable-housing units nationwide by introducing tax credits to stimulate private investment in neighborhood housing developments after federal housing assistance had been cut by seventy-five percent during the 1980s.[16]
  • Chairing the House Banking Subcommittee on Consumer Credit and Insurance and holding the first U.S. congressional hearings to expose the lack of access to insurance in low-income neighborhoods.[17]
  • Proposing a balanced-budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution as a vehicle to end skyrocketing deficits, reduce interest rates, and free up investment capital for business growth rather than government bonds[18] while fighting to end corporate tax breaks and subsidies.[19]
  • Overhauling federal public-housing law for the first time in almost sixty years, giving local housing authorities the ability to raise standards while protecting those who depend on public housing for shelter.[20]
  • Co-chairing the U.S. Congressional Biotechnology Caucus and proposing to preserve and expand federal research and development accounts that stimulate the creation of new technologies and build the foundation for new jobs and business growth.[21]
  • Proposing the "Mom and Pop Protection Act" to help corner-store owners to install safety equipment[22] and a "National Stalker Reduction Act" to require all states to enact comprehensive anti-stalking legislation, track stalkers, and establish a national domestic-violence database to track violations of civil-protection orders.[23][24]
  • Protecting kids from alcohol by proposing to limit television advertising of beer and wine between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. and to keep outdoor alcohol advertisements away from schools.[25]
  • Launching a bipartisan initiative in Massachusetts to fight child hunger which helped lead to an expansion of school breakfast and lunch programs.[26]
In 1991, Kennedy boycotted a speech to the U.S. Congress by the United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth II "in protest to the British occupation in northern Ireland".[27]
In March 1998, following a year of family troubles that included the skiing death of his brother Michael LeMoyne Kennedy, he announced that he planned to retire from the U.S. House, citing "a new recognition of our own vulnerabilities and the vagaries of life".[28] An editorial in The Boston Globe observed, "... Kennedy has remained steadfast in his political life to issues and constituencies no poll would have led him to: the poor, the homeless, disadvantaged children, and others swamped in the current tide of prosperity." He served in the U.S. House for six terms, until January 1999. In his final speech on the U.S. House floor, Kennedy delivered "an impassioned plea for unity and forgiveness"[29] in the midst of Congressional debate regarding the proposed articles of impeachment of President Bill Clinton.[30]

[edit] Committee assignments

Throughout his career in the U.S. House, Kennedy served on the House Banking Committee, where he played an active role in the federal saving-and-loan bailout, credit-reporting reform, the overhaul of The Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 and financial modernization. Kennedy also served on the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, passing legislation to strengthen the veterans' health-care system, to investigate the causes of Gulf War syndrome, and to provide medical treatment for veterans of the first Persian Gulf War.

[edit] Citizens Energy (since 1979)

[edit] Overview

After leaving the U.S. House, Kennedy returned to Citizens Energy. (During Kennedy's terms in the U.S. House, it had been run by his brother Michael.) Citizens Energy pursues commercial ventures aimed at generating revenues that, in turn, are used to generate funds that could assist those in need in the U.S. and abroad.[31] It grew to encompass seven separate companies, including one of the largest energy-conservation firms in the U.S. Citizens Energy became one of the U.S.'s first energy firms to move large volumes of natural gas to more than thirty states.[32][verification needed] As a precursor to market changes under electricity deregulation in the late 1990s, Citizens Energy was a pioneer in moving and marketing electrical power over the power grid.[33][34]

[edit] Public policy

Citizens Energy has provided affordable heating oil to low-income families in the Northeastern U.S. since 1979. These charitable efforts were funded largely from profitable commercial ventures and donations.[35]
Since returning to Citizens Energy, Kennedy also has sought to influence energy-related public policy, challenging the Bush Administration to invest in energy conservation and efficiency and renewable energy,[36] encouraging Congress to fully fund federal heating assistance programs,[37] proposing that oil-consuming countries work together to balance oil prices against Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) manipulation,[38] and calling for the federal government and major oil companies to use portions of royalties from oil and gas extracted from federal lands and waters to help low-income families with the high price of energy.[39] As of 2010, Kennedy's CEO salary was $596,988 per year.[40]

[edit] Venezuela

Beginning in 2005, Citgo Petroleum Company (Citgo), a wholly owned subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) — the Venezuelan state-owned oil company — has been the primary donor of heating oil to Citizens Energy. The Wall Street Journal and others criticized Citizens Energy for continuing its relationship with the Venezuelan government and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, a harsh critic of U.S. President George W. Bush.[41] In response, Kennedy and others[42][43] have argued that it is hypocritical to criticize a non-profit organization for accepting oil from Venezuela while numerous other American businesses are profiting from robust trade with Venezuela and at a time when the U.S. government has cut low-income fuel assistance.[44]
During the last two years, Citgo donated eighty-three million gallons of oil, which was used to provide heating assistance to an estimated 200,000 families a year in twenty-three states.[45]

[edit] Later political considerations

[edit] 1998 governor election

Kennedy considered running for the Massachusetts governorship in 1998 but, citing family difficulties, he did not.[46]

[edit] 2010 U.S. Senate election

With the death of his uncle U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy on August 25, 2009, Kennedy's name has been mentioned as a possible candidate for his uncle's seat representing Massachusetts in the United States Senate. In an Associated Press article, Democratic strategist Dan Payne said, "He wouldn't be human and he wouldn't be a Kennedy if he didn't give serious consideration to running for what is known as the 'Kennedy seat' in Massachusetts."[47] The six-year term of the seat ends in January 2013. However, Kennedy released a statement on September 7 explaining that he would not pursue the seat.[48] The seat eventually went by appointment to Paul G. Kirk, and later by election to Republican Scott Brown.

[edit] Personal life

On February 3, 1979, Kennedy and Sheila Brewster Rauch (born March 22, 1949)[49] were married in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania. She is a daughter of Rudolph Stewart Rauch and Frances Stuart Brewster. (Both the Brewster and Rauch families were socially prominent with a tradition in coachbuilding; the Brewsters had owned Brewster & Co., an American coachbuilder.) The couple had twin sons, Matthew Rauch Kennedy and Joseph P. Kennedy III (born 1980, in Boston); and were legally divorced in 1991.
Two years later, Kennedy asked the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston for an annulment of the marriage on the grounds of "lack of due discretion of judgment", meaning that he was mentally incapable of entering into marriage at the time of his wedding. An annulment would give the marriage the status of never having existed, and allow Kennedy to marry Anne Elizabeth "Beth" Kelly—his former staff member—in a Roman Catholic ceremony, as well as allow him to participate in other sacraments of the church, such as Holy Communion, not available to a divorced person who remarries.[50][51] Rauch refused to agree to the annulment,[52] and Kennedy married Kelly (born April 3, 1957)[49] in a non-Catholic civil ceremony on October 23, 1993.
The Boston Archdiocese initially granted Kennedy the annulment, which was only discovered by Rauch after the decision in 1996.[50] Rauch, who is an Episcopalian, wrote a book Shattered Faith: A Woman's Struggle to Stop the Catholic Church from Annulling Her Marriage[52] explaining that she was opposed to the concept of annulment, because it meant in Roman Catholic theology that the marriage had never actually existed, and claiming that the Kennedy family influence made it possible to unilaterally "cancel" a twelve-year marriage. A tribunal decision in favour of annulment is automatically appealed, and the decision is not effective until a second, conforming, sentence is granted. Instead of allowing the appeal to take place in the United States, Rauch appealed directly to the Holy See.[53]
The original decision was overturned by the highest appellate tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Rota, in 2005. Rauch was informed of the decision by the Boston Archdiocese in 2007.[54] As the first decision was never confirmed, there was no time at which the Church declared the marriage to be null or gave Kennedy permission to remarry. Because the Rota was sitting as a second-instance appellate court,[55] Kennedy could appeal the decision to another Rotal panel.[53][55]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Heymann, Clemens D. (2007). American Legacy: The Story of John and Caroline Kennedy. Simon & Schuster. p. 194. ISBN 0743497384. 
  2. ^ Osborne, David (April 1985). "Joe Kennedy Makes a Name for Himself". Mother Jones. p. 20.
  3. ^ De Los Reyes, Gaston (1993-11-13). "Manter School Endures". The Harvard Crimson. Retrieved 2009-09-04. 
  4. ^ a b c d Oppenheimer, Jerry. The Other Mrs. Kennedy. p. 578. St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1995.
  5. ^ "RFK's Son Freed by Hijackers", Oakland Tribune, Feb. 22, 1972; "$5 Million Paid to Jet Hijackers", Tribune Feb. 25, 1972
  6. ^ a b Canellos, Peter S. Last Lion: The Fall and Rise of Ted Kennedy. p. 194. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009
  7. ^ Taraborrelli , J. Randy. Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women of Camelot, p. 423. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2000
  8. ^ Walker, P. Wayne. 1997 Congressional Staff Directory (49th Edition), p. 111. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Books, June 1997
  9. ^
  10. ^
  11. ^
  12. ^ Joseph P. Kennedy II corporate biography
  13. ^ Dober, Patrick; Callahan, Tom (1998-11-08). "Joe Kennedy's Home Run Against Bias". The Boston Globe.
  14. ^ Turner, Robert L. (1989-07-02). "Joe Kennedy: the Happy Warrior". The Boston Globe. p. A45.
  15. ^ Harrington, Walt (1993-06-06). "Settling In". The Washington Post (magazine section). p. 32.
  16. ^ Op-ed essay. Flynn, Raymond L.; Kennedy II, Joseph P. (1988-01-25). "Decent, Affordable Housing for All". The New York Times.
  17. ^ Kurkjian, Stephen (1995-10-13), "U.S. Urged to Probe Business Insurers". The Boston Globe.
  18. ^ Keller, Jon (1995-02-05). "Joe Kennedy's Clear-Eyed View of How Things Are". The Boston Globe. p. 3.
  19. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (1995-12-27). "Corporations Rake in Subsidies as Poor, Aged Suffer Cuts". The Boston Globe.
  20. ^ Pear, Robert (1998-05-10). "House Votes to Overhaul Housing for the Poor". The New York Times.
  21. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (1998-02-02). "R&D, Engine of Our Growth". Boston Herald.
  22. ^ Black, Chris (1995-11-25). "Rep. Kennedy Acts to Protect Small Shops". The Boston Globe.
  23. ^ Sullivan, Paul (1993-01-30). "Kennedy Targets Stalking in New Bill". Boston Herald.
  24. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (1993-04-25). "It's Time to Give the Courts Legal Tools to Put Stalkers Away". Boston Herald.
  25. ^ "Rep. Kennedy Takes on Beer Ads". The Boston Globe. (May 17, 1996); "Celebrating Sobriety". The Boston Globe. (July 3, 1996).
  26. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (1998-02-08). "Growing Up Hungry in a Time of Plenty". The Boston Globe. pp. C1-C2.
  27. ^ De Witt, Karen (1991-05-17). "Queen's Address to Congress Celebrates Mutual Respect". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-08-28. 
  28. ^ Goldberg, Carey (1998-03-14). "Joseph Kennedy 2d Will Quit Congress; Family Needs Cited". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-08-29. 
  29. ^ Miga, Andrew (1998-12-19). "Joe K's Final Speech on the House Floor Is His Finest". Boston Herald.
  30. ^ Meehan, Marty (1999-01-10). "Joe K Leaves Legacy of Morality". Boston Herald. p. 27.
  31. ^ Katz, Marisa (2001-01-15). "Heat Is On, Thanks to Joe". The Providence Journal.
  32. ^[verification needed]Citizens Energy website, "Natural Gas: Our Experience"
  33. ^ Citizens Energy website, "Electricity Transmission: Our Experience"
  34. ^ Sheingold,, Barry J. "Power Marketing for the People". Public Power (January–February 1990), pp. 24-29.
  35. ^ Chapman, Fern Schumer (1994-07-23). "Joe Kennedy, The Poor Man's Oil Tycoon". Fortune. pp. 98-101.
  36. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (2001-05-15). "Taking Steps Towards Energy Independence". The Boston Globe.
  37. ^ Catell, Robert B.; Kennedy II, Joseph P. (2006-10-02). "Congress: Turn Up the Heat". Newsday.
  38. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (2001-04-18). "Organized Oil-Consuming Countries Could Offset OPEC". USA Today. p. A13.
  39. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (2005-09-26). "Sharing the Oil Price Windfall". The Boston Globe.
  40. ^ Money 2010, Boston Magazine
  41. ^ Editorial (2006-11-28). Dial Joe-4-Chávez, The Wall Street Journal. Accessed 2009-08-27.
  42. ^ Editorial (2007-02-19). "Rhetoric Fails to Help Poor". The Daily News Tribune.
  43. ^ Walker, Adrian. (2005-11-24). "Oil Deal Is Her Lifeline". The Boston Globe.
  44. ^ Kennedy II, Joseph P. (2006-12-24). "Yes, Oil from Venezuela". Op-ed essay. The Boston Globe. Accessed 2009-08-27.
  45. ^ Rezendes, Michael; Bierman, Noah (2009-09-06). "As Joe Kennedy Considers Run, Chavez Ties Loom". The Boston Globe. p. 1.
  46. ^ Harden, Blaine (1997-08-29). "Joseph Kennedy Ends Gubernatorial Bid". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2009-08-27. 
  47. ^ Another Senator Kennedy in Massachusetts?
  48. ^ "Former Rep. Joseph Kennedy Nixes Senate Campaign". The Associated Press. via The New York Times. 2009-09-07. Retrieved 2009-09-07. [dead link] (website registration required)
  49. ^ a b American Experience | The Kennedys | Kennedy Family Tree | PBS
  50. ^ a b Lawson, Carol (1997-04-24). "Seeking to Annul the Annulment". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-08-28. 
  51. ^ "Frequently Asked Questions". Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Retrieved 2009-08-30. 
  52. ^ a b Kennedy, Sheila Rauch (1998). Shattered Faith: A Woman's Struggle to Stop the Catholic Church from Annulling Her Marriage. Henry Holt and Company. pp. 7–22. ISBN 978-0805058284. 
  53. ^ a b Israel, Jeff (2007-06-19). "Joe Kennedy's First Marriage: Still On". Time.,8599,1634956,00.html. Retrieved 2009-08-28. 
  54. ^ Staff writer (2007-06-20). "Vatican Undoes Annulment of Ex-Rep. Kennedy — Eldest Son of Late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Was Married in 1991". The Associated Press via MSNBC. Retrieved 2009-09-03. 
  55. ^ a b "Code of Canon Law - Canon 1444". Retrieved 2009-09-03.